WHIMC Instructor Windows Install

NOTE: this install is for version 1.20.4 Old versions here.

1. First, make sure you have the latest version of the Java JDK installed:

Visit https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#jdk17-windows

2. Next, download MultiMC for free online:

Visit https://multimc.org/

3. Now, go ahead and launch MultiMC, if you may get a warning – make sure to permit it:

4. After this you’ll need to add the WHIMC instance, add it like this:

Instructor (teacher) instance (190mb):

Participant (kid) instance (includes celestial bodies single player maps – 1.4gb):

Dome Theater instance (Celestial Bodies + configured shaders and mods – 2gb):

5. Finally, login with your Minecraft Java Edition account:

IMPORTANT: If you get a java error tell it to auto-detect Java under settings.

You’re good to go, launch the instance!