Thank you for your interest in being a part of our study!
What is this all about?
We’re a multidisciplinary research team based at the University of Illinois conducting research on how interest can be developed in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics using entertainment technologies.
What will my child be doing?
Your child will participate in a one-week camp that revolves around STEM topics, such as astronomy, while using the popular game Minecraft. Below is a video that shows the type of worlds your child will be encouraged to explore.
What is the research about?
We’re interested in whether games like Minecraft can help trigger interest and learning in STEM topics when the gameplay is a supplement to a science/astronomy curriculum.
Who will be running the camp or activity?
A team composed of students and faculty at the University of Illinois will run the camp. Learn more about us here.
Will activities be graded or affect their schooling?
No, our study has no affect on you or your child’s relationship with the school nor will any of our activities be graded. This study is completely voluntary and your child may stop taking part at any time, whether that is your or your child’s decision. The data we collect will be kept strictly confidential. Any sharing or publication of the research results will not identify any of the participants by name.
What will be asked of them (as research participants)?
We will ask them to participate in discussion on science and astronomy subjects, as well as engage in our hypothetical worlds in Minecraft. We will ask campers to take surveys potentially before, during and after the activities about their interest in Minecraft and STEM topics or to assess their science knowledge. We may interview campers who provided consent near the end of the camp which lasts approximately 15-35 minutes.
What if I change my mind later or have additional questions?
You can contact us if you have any additional questions and/or concerns about the project, including requests to discontinue participation or remove previously-collected data.